Monday, January 16, 2012

What’s the big deal about Enzymes?

The big deal is that enzymes MAKE THINGS HAPPEN.  We wouldn’t be here without them.  Enzymes don’t just digest our food, they are needed for every single biochemical reaction within our bodies.  WOW!

What are enzymes?  Enzymes are protein molecules that catalyze (get things rolling) and regulate the biochemical reactions within our bodies. They turn the food we eat into energy and unlock this energy for use by the body.  Dr Arthur Kornberg (Nobel prize winner in genetics) said, “The DNA itself is lifeless.  What gives the cell its life and personality are enzymes, and yet so they are poorly understood and appreciated by all but a few scientists.”

Why do we need enzymes?  They are responsible for the digestion of food, the assimilation of the food’s nutrients, and the elimination of non-essential and toxic ingredients.  Enzymes sustain life, yet can be used up and exhausted by their hard work.  We are born with a finite amount of enzymes and as we age, there is a gradual depletion of enzymes in the body.  A lack of enzymes means death!  Most diseases known to man are the result of an enzyme imbalance.  Dr William Donald Kelly says “86% of all cancer could be controlled and/or prevented by diet and pancreatic enzymes.”

The three major types of enzymes are food enzymes, digestive enzymes and metabolic enzymes.  Food enzymes are the enzymes found in raw foods.  When we cook our food, we kill the enzymes.  Digestive enzymes are secreted along the digestive tract to break down foods into nutrients and waste.  Metabolic enzymes speed up or slow down chemical reactions within our cells, leading to detoxification and energy production.  Always take your metabolic (also referred to as therapeutic) enzymes on an empty stomach!

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