Colon Hydrotherapy (A.K.A. Colonic) is a safe, effective method of removing waste from the large intestine, without the use of drugs. Infusing filtered and temperature regulated water into the colon; the waste is softened and loosened, resulting in evacuation through natural peristalsis. The inflow of a small amount of water and the release of waste is repeated several times. The removal of waste encourages better colon function and elimination. The specialized equipment ensures you an easy, odorless, private and safe way of eliminating. Colon Hydrotherapy is one of the most effective ways of cleansing the lower intestinal tract (colon) and detoxifying the overall system. The colon contains the largest concentration of bacteria in the body. Most of this bacteria is beneficial and is necessary to make vitamins B & K. However, waste remaining in the colon longer than it should results in fermentation and putrefaction which may produce harmful bacteria and other toxins that negatively impact the body. The most common indicators of an unhealthy colon are constipation, diarrhea, foul smelling stools, gas, or bad breath. Cleansing the colon of waste through colon hydrotherapy has the added benefit of hydrating the colon, unlike laxatives which may be irritating. Laxatives have a dehydrating and habit forming effect. Colon hydrotherapy may also provide therapeutic improvement in muscular tone by simulating an exercise medium in which the colon's muscular walls expand and contract.
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